Monday, April 9, 2018

The Conference could have also issued the following declaration with an appeal to the popes and cardinals to affirm doctrine

They could have issued a declaration saying  the follows.
1. We affirm that invisible baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are not visible exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).To suggest that they are is irrational.
2.We affirm that we cannot meet or see any one in 2018 saved with BOD, BOB and I.I.So they are not practical exceptions to the dogma EENS in the present times.Neither were they exceptions to EENS in the past.No one could see someone in Heaven saved with BOD,BOB and I.I and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
3.So BOD, BOB and I.I are not , and never were exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. The Holy Office 1949 and the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing were wrong and Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct.The Magisterium was irrational.
4.So we can re-read Vatican Council II to understand that invisible and hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not explicit exceptions to the dogma EENS or the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.
5.With there being no known salvation outside the Church there are no exceptions to the past understanding of exclusivist salvation in the Church. Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the past ecclesiology. So there can only be an ecumenism of return.
6.Since there is no known salvation outside the Church there can be no New Theology which was based on there being known salvation outside the Church.So all non Catholics and non Christians need to be members of the Catholic Church, with faith and baptism,to avoid Hell.
7.So there can only be an ecumenism of return, non Christians need to believe in Christ and become members of the Catholic Church for salvation.There would be traditional Mission knowing that all non Catholics who have died were oriented to Hell without faith and baptism (AG 7).Being incorporated into the Church with faith and baptism,  is the ordinary way of salvation.
This is the Declaration of this Conference(XYZ).We affirm the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II and the Catechisms (Trent, Pius X ,Pope John Paul II 1994 ).
This is a doctrinal issue and we appeal to the popes and the cardinals to also affirm it.'

This is a doctrinal issue and the cardinals will not affirm it.They would no more be able to say that they affirm traditional doctrine.- Lionel Andrades

APRIL 9, 2018

Image result for pope can't hear

If the Conference on Saturday affirmed Feeneyite EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II and the Catechism (1994) liberal cardinals would not be able to say that they affirm the same doctrine

APRIL 9, 2018

Is Vatican Council II a rupture with EENS? This is crucial. Since if there is no rupture with Feeneyite EENS then it means the old ecclesiology is intact

If the Conference on Saturday affirmed Feeneyite EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II and the Catechism (1994) liberal cardinals would not be able to say that they affirm the same doctrine

Comment on the blog Vox Cantoris, Declaration of the Rome Conference  9 April 2018

Image result for pope can't hear
It's nice to hear them repeat the moral teachings of the Church but the real issue is the faith and salvation teachings, here is where lies the confusion which changes doctrine on mission, ecumenism, non Christian religions, inter faith marriages and mortal sin, the receiving of the Eucharist for non Catholics etc.

Possibly liberal cardinals would also support their declaration at this Conference, saying that doctrine has not been changed by Pope Francis.

However if the speakers at the Conference could affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus in harmony with Vatican Council II ( AG 7 supports the dogma EENS and LG 8, LG 16, GS 22 etc are not explicit exceptions) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1257 etc), then the liberal cardinals would not be able to say that they affirm the same doctrine.They would be up against a wall.

We now know that invisible baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance never were visible exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The Holy Office 1949 and the Archbishop of Boston Richard Cushing made an objective mistake and Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct.

So now with this rational approach ( invisible baptism of desire cases are not visible) what if we re-read Vatican Council II ?

It would mean there is nothng in Vatican Council II to contradict the dogma EENS and the past ecclesiology of the Church.So there can only be an ecumenism of return since there are no known cases of salvation outside the church.There is no theological base for the new ecumenism. Since there are no known exceptions outside the Church for us human beings, there is no theological basis for the New Theology of Rahner, Ratzinger and others.

If understanding of Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS, was a declaration at a conference do you think the two popes and the liberal cardinals would accept it?

Image result for Photo Cardinal BurkeImage result for Photo Bishop Athanasius Schneider
So when is Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schnieder going to say all non Catholics are on the way to Hell according to Vatican Council II(AG 7) and there are no exceptions mentioned in the text of Vatican Council II. So Vatican Council II is in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century ?
When will they say this ?
I don't know.
It was much easier for them issuing this declaration last Saturday in Rome.
Can you imagine Bishop Schneider saying all the Muslim Kazakhs are on the way to Hell with no known exceptions according to Ad Gentes 7 ? Can you imagine Cardinal Burke saying all the Jews in Boston are on the way to Hell if they die without faith and baptism?-Lionel Andrades

APRIL 9, 2018

Is Vatican Council II a rupture with EENS? This is crucial. Since if there is no rupture with Feeneyite EENS then it means the old ecclesiology is intact

Is Vatican Council II a rupture with EENS? This is crucial. Since if there is no rupture with Feeneyite EENS then it means the old ecclesiology is intact.

Comment on the blog The Eponymous Flower Meeting of Conservative Catholics in Rome Addresses Concern About Church’s Course

Is Vatican Council II a rupture with EENS?
This is crucial.
Since if there is no rupture with Feneeyite EENS then it means the old ecclesiology is intact.

If there is no rupture with the past ecclesiology then it means there still is an ecumenism of return. There can only be an ecumenism of returm.

Upon the past exlusivist ecclesiology was based the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King. The non separation of Church and State was a priority and in a papal state the form of religious liberty could be decided as in the past.
For me there are no exceptions to EENS in Vatican Council II. Since LG 8, LG 16, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II and the baptism of desire etc in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 refer to hypothetical cases only...
-Lionel Andrades

What if the pope or Bishop Fellay called for a day to celebrate and discuss the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation ?

Image result for Photo of marathon in rome yesterday April 2018
Yesterday in various levels of un-dress there was a marathon with half naked men and women running in front of the Vatican.The participants could have been asked to please wear clothes, if there was a Catholic political party in power.Since we Catholics believe that immodesty in clothes lead to Hell. Immodesty is a mortal sin.
Similarly a political party which affirms the Social Reign of Christ the King would not permit all the filth reportedly shown on television.The advertisements and signboards on the streets also encourage adultery and fornication. The same approach can be seen in the army and police here.Men and women work together and have a greater risk of committing sexual sins.Girls and boys are together in high schools in Rome and visibly most of them are on the way to Hell.At Fatima Our Lady said that most people go to Hell for violating the Sixth Commandment.
The present so called 'liberal' and 'secular' political parties are really pro-Satan.Voting for the lesser of two evils as Cardinal Ratzinger would put it, seems to me still evil.
Affirming evil is now being made mandatory. In the next stage they will ask us to directly worship Satan.
The media supports inter-faith marriages which is adultery for the Catholic spouse.
A 100 years back it was not part of the culture in Italy to go to the beach without clothes.
Image result for Photo of rome's beaches 2018
Lay Catholics need to start political parties, without the help of the Vatican, which affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.
The existing pro-Satanic political parties speak about democracy but permit it within their pro-Satanic values. So they affirm a Vatican Council which creates a rupture with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).So there cannot be a proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King.It cannot be said that Vatican Council II supports outside the Church there is no salvation.

They do not allow the Catholic faith to be preached in churches, they have confiscated churches and only allow its use under an approved government committee, abortion pictures cannot be displayed in public, homosexuality cannot be criticized, the police monitors the Mass and activity of traditionalist priests...
Photo #2 of an aborted baby.
In March 2016 Pope Benedict  was probably forced to announce that EENS was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.
What if he said that EENS today is like it was for the missionaries of the 16th century and he appeals to Catholics to affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King?
What if Bishop Bernard Fellay affirms the Social Reign of Christ the King in Italy and then appeals to all Catholics, especially the political parties,  to celebrate the day discussing it.
What if?!
All I can do is imagine.
Don't vote for a political party which does not support the Social Reign of Christ the King.
Pro -Satanic secularism and State must be separated.
-Lionel Andrades 

APRIL 8, 2018

Even members of the Lay Movements in the Catholic Church can proclaim the necessity of the Social Reign of Christ the King

 APRIL 8, 2018

So for Fr. Paul McGregor the Social Reign of Christ the King must be taught in the Catholic family and its implementation will happen in future in Russia and the rest of the world when Our Lady's Immaculate Heart will Triumph

 APRIL 8, 2018

Fr.Paul McDonald is really saying he supports an exclusivist ecclesiology with no dual conclusions, heterodox passages, no passages against EENS

APRIL 7, 2018

There is no known exception to the exclusive ecclesiology of the Church on salvation so we have the old evangelisation today

 APRIL 7, 2018

Even Vatican II says every one on the face of the earth is called to become a member of the Mystical Body ( the Catholic Church)- Fr.Paul McDonald , Fatima Center
