Thursday, April 12, 2018

Like the liberals Roberto dei Mattei uses an irrational premise to interpret the baptism of desire etc. So there is a new version of EENS.

Like the liberals Roberto dei Mattei uses an irrational premise to interpret the baptism of desire etc to make Vatican Council II a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the  Syllabus of Errors.Even after being informed he and Chris Ferrara( like the late Fr. Nicholas Gruner and John Vennari) will not affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salusSo he is politically correct like the two popes.1
-Lionel Andrades


APRIL 12, 2018

Roberto dei Mattei is politically correct like the two popes and in heresy

The End Times Prophecies of the Three Fountains -Saverio Gaeta

  1. Global Earthquake, Nuclear War, Apostasy, Invasion of Italy, Destruction in Vatican

    The End Times Prophecies of the Three Fountains
    “Saverio Gaeta wrote an interesting book called "The seer. The secret of the three fountains "(publisher Salani, Milan, 2016). The author has been able to consult the diaries that Bruno Cornacchiola had written from 1947 to 2001, the year of his death, and kept at the association of the faithful founded by him, and reveals the contents in the above book.

    In April 12, 1947, Cornacchiola, at the location of the Three Fountains in Rome, where St. Paul undergo martyrdom, had an apparition of Our Lady containing some revelations. They (around sixty) continued throughout his life and Cornacchiola himself transcribed them in his Diaries. In this short article, I summarize the most current, which can help us better understand the terrible period we are going through. They are private revelations only. Cornacchiola himself submitted them to the ecclesiastical Authority for approval, and which starting with Pius XII who began to approve them.

    The meetings with Pius XII
    The first book of his Diaries containing the report of the first apparition of Our Lady, Bruno Cornacchiola gave it to Pope Pius XII on the night of July 22, 1947 being present Don Sfoggia, Father Riccardo Lombardi and Father Felice Maria Cappello, who had been able to read the April 12 message upon he Pope's approval. At this private meeting followed a public one on December 9, 1949 (see Saverio Gaeta, “The seer. The secret of the three fountains”, p. 62) in which the Pope encouraged Cornacchiola to give lectures about the apparitions he had.

    Also on October 5, 1947 Pius XII blessed the statue of the Virgin depicting the Virgin appeared to Cornacchiola and in 1956 Pope Pius XII allowed the public worship, giving the Franciscans to be in charge of the custody of the cave, and of the adjacent chapel (see Saverio Gaeta, “The seer. The secret of the three fountains”, P. 106).

    The content of messages
    The content of the first apparition had not been made known and it is kept in the archives of the Holy Office, but Cornacchiola made a copy of it, being kept in the archives of his association, of which Saverio Gaeta (“The seer. The secret of the three fountains”, P. 59) reports the main passages so far unpublished.

    The diaries (of the seer Bruno Cornacchiola) consulted by Salvatore Gaeta are located at the association "Arditi Hosts of Christ the Immortal King" (SACRI) founded by Cornacchiola. The "Arditi (fearless) of Christ" who are primarily involved with the catechesis and had not read the diaries of Cornacchiola, which contain some surprising and unusual revelations until the writer Saverio Gaeta collected them in his book.

    The first revelation (April 12, 1947) is written by hand in a notebook of about thirty pages. The most important points are as follows:

    "The shepherds of the flock are not fulfilling their duty. Too much of the world has entered in their soul to give scandal to the flock and to divert him from the path.

    [...]. Before Russia is converted and leave the path of atheism, a tremendous and severe persecution will be unleashed. Pray, it can be stopped.
    [...]. Run away from the false things of the world, vain shows, and printed obscenities.
    [...]. Satan is unchained for a period of time, and is going to start the fire of the protest among men. Children be strong, resist the assault from hell.
    [...]. The whole Church will suffer a terrible ordeal, to clean the lust infiltrated among his ministers.
    [...]. Priests and faithful will be put at a dangerous turning point in the world of Lost, which will hurl itself the assault with any means: false ideologies and theologies.
    [...]. There will be days of sorrow and mourning. From the east a strong people, but far from God, will launch a terrible attack, and will break the most sacred and holy things.
    [...]. The world will go into another war, the most ruthless of all; The more affected will be the eternal Rock (Roma). The wrath of Satan is not being any longer held; the Spirit of God is withdrawing from the earth, the Church will be left a widow; She will be left at the mercy of the world.
    [...]. The most affected will be the Church of Christ to cleanse It from the filth It has inside.
    [...]. The priests will be trampled and killed, that's the (meaning of) the broken cross next to stripping of the exterior priest’s cassock "(Saverio Gaeta, op. Cit., pp. 80-88).
    The appearance of the February 21, 1948 reads:
    "This I say this to my sons the priests: you are becoming of the world, stripping yourselves of the sacred to desecrate and abandon the priesthood.
    [...]. The world thirsts for truth, but you no longer give it water that quenches "(op. Cit., Pp. 89-91).

    Apparition of August 15, 1949:

    "Why don’t you move away from sin? Which will lead you to the most atrocious loss".

    [...] "This is going to happen especially to those who in these times full of sin hide my calls, in the modern time full of falsehoods" (op. cit., Pp. 91-93).
    [...] "The sun will be darkened; the stars will fall, but do not understand this only to the material part of your thinking: there is the interpretive part of it and spiritual one, and it will be the suns of the proud and the stars of the arrogant that they will fall"
    [...] "Outside the Apostolic and Roman Catholic Church there is no salvation"
    [...] "To love everyone does not mean keeping a sentimental attitude"
    [...] "Do not get undress of the priestly robe: the priest cassock calls to attention, it is a heavenly sign" (op. Cit., P. 93-95).

    There are others revelations. Particularly interesting is the vision seen February 24, 1968:

    "Satan now reigns in all the highest command posts"

    [...] "Satan will enter in the leading places of the Church"
    [...] "Temptations are going to be terrible, the world will live in such a confusion that the elect will have to dwell themselves in the doubt! There is no escape"
    [...] "All will live terrible moments of war, destruction and political chaos, religious one and cultural one. How many errors and how many heresies will spread insidiously in every nation, in every convent"
    [...] "What is needed is the individual apostolate not the monopolized apostolate"
    [...] “It is needed to work among souls through the individual apostolate: the one who knows and knows how to do it, must work without any prior authorization" (op. Cit., P. 73).

    February 2, 1960, Our Lady says:

    "Blood and tears, Jesus bleeds, I your Mother, tears; the exact meaning of the truth is lost” (op. cit., p. 78).
    April 16, 1987:

    "You must offer yourself as a victim for the conversion and the sanctification of priests and religious, who have abandoned the path of the doctrine and of morality, losing the strength of salvation and because of them many souls go to hell" (op. Cit., P. 102)
    April 12, 1980 (thirty-third anniversary of the apparition) thousands of faithful gathered at Tre Fontane could watch from 17:50 to 18:20 at the miracle of the sun that began to twirl as the same as it had happened in Fatima on October 13, 1917 (op. Cit., P . 119)


  2. Cont

    On February 1, 1986 Cornacchiola receives another stern message:

    "Prepare my children: I cannot hold my hand any longer! The wrath of justice is upon you" (op. Cit., P. 150).
    On page 153 of his book Saverio Gaeta brings a personal record of the seer Cornacchiola on a misunderstood ecumenism, which he defines "ecclesiastically incorrect":

    "I cannot make up my mind at the idea that all religions lead to redemption. All religions, they are say now, give salvation. But then why did Jesus come, if there were already so many religions? Jesus says: 'He who believes in Me shall be saved'; not the one who believes his religion. If Protestants are saved as well, Why did the Virgin come to call me to tell me to return to the holy Fold, when She could very well have left me where I was, among the Adventist?".

    On January 9, 1986 Cornacchiola has another locution:

    "Today, men have put all religions on the same level so that all lead to God and everyone is saved”

    [...] “Then those who do not accept Jesus get saved too?”
    [...] “Satan cannot do anything against the Church because It is divine; but he can do a lot against the souls who live in It; on the contrary he will introduce evil under the moral robe, religious one, political and social ones.”
    [...] “I am calling all to conversion, but for justice I have to leave to hold my Son's hand, precisely because justice has to be fulfilled" (op. Cit., P. 165-166)

    Dreadful is the vision seen on April 7, 1966:

    "I see the Basilica of St. Peter who has its whole facade badly damaged, we watch it and weep" (op. Cit., P. 169).

    On August 1, 1966:

    "I see myself in front of the church called ‘of the Holy Stairs’, in the near square where there is the obelisk. It was like as a large room set up with bishops and cardinals. Suddenly the whole facade of the church collapses over many bishops, cardinals and others."(ibid).

    In the message of January 1, 1988, a special warning is reserved to priests:

    "You're trampling on my sheep and taking them toward perdition. Why are you no longer make my doctrine known? Why are you taking my sheep where there is dry grass and deadly bushes?”

    [...]. “I have been killed just because my doctrine was not theirs (of the Pharisees). You have closed the mouth and the ears of my flock. You have locked the door to my Church not to enter It and not to let my people in"(op. Cit., P. 171).
    In 1982, Our Lady gave an additional warning to priests (which gave many problems to Cornacchiola):

    "They go miserably sure around without no external priestly signs: they do not only live in doubt of faith, but attract others to leave the faith”

    [...] They (the priests) got drunk of the world and of the false modernism" (op. Cit., Pp. 172-173).
    One of the most touching visions is that of 28 April 1986. Cornacchiola found himself in St. Peter's Square and Our Lady says to him:

    "Although the one who gives an order seems in error, you are bound to obey, unless that order touches faith, morality and charity. Then no! "(Op. Cit., P. 174).
    On 12 November 1986, Our Lady shows Cornacchiola a terrifying scene:

    "I see many priests with their cassocks and religious ones, men and women with their robes: all in line and the captors who push them, dragging one by one onto a wooden stage. They had them kneel down and then asking them: ‘Get rid of the robe’. At their answer: 'No!' They took their head and put it on a chopping block and there they were beheaded by the executioner who had an axe"(op. Cit., P. 174-175).

    One of the most current vision applying to our time seems that of July 18, 1996:

    "Especially many of my sons the priests, and even those of higher rank, fall easily into the arms of satan like dry leaves falling from a tree at the blowing of the wind" (op. Cit., Pp. 181-182).
    On June 4, 1964, Our Lady had dictated a request to Cornacchiola

    "Save mankind from the deluge of fire" (op. Cit., P. 183).
    On 1 January 1988 the seer receives a revelation that opens the doors of the future that awaits mankind:

    "You have some examples, Sodom and Gomorrah did not repent, they did not do penance and you know what justice made of them”

    [...] “Unless you do not convert, iron and fire will fall down upon you”
    [...] “What you call peace is nothing but deception because it lacks of conversion* and everything is getting ready for a satanic war"

    *(repentance and rejection of sin) (op. Cit., P. 187).

    Another apparition very close to our times, is that of August 14, 1999:

    "The Virgin shows me the religious, the priests, the bishops, the cardinals and tells me:

    " They are deaf and foolish! They see the signs that are a call, but do not reason upon this reality”

    [...] “They deny the Triune God and proudly make themselves god ' "(op. Cit., P. 195).
    March 13, 2000, Our Lady says:

    "Salvation is not to gather all religions to make a pile of heresies and errors, but convert yourselves for the unity of love and faith" (op. Cit., P. 204).
    On the night of December 31, 1984:

    "I feel being transported into the center of Rome, exactly in Piazza Venezia (Venice square). There is a crowd gathered there shouting: 'Revenge!'. Lots of blood was spilling all over the world, all the world smeared with blood. Suddenly all those people starts shouting: 'All in Saint Peter (square)!' And they kept shouting: 'Revenge!'. On the square inside the colonnade, there were the pope, the cardinals, the bishops and the priests. Everybody was crying. To my wonder: they were barefoot and Our Lady was shouting: 'Do penance!'"(Op. Cit., P. 207).

    On July 21, 1998:

    "I dreamed that Muslims were surrounding churches and were closing the doors and from the roofs they were throwing gasoline and setting up fire, with the faithful in them praying and everything was burning" (op. Cit., P. 210).


  3. Cont..

    At the dawn, on February 10, 2000, another dreadful dream:

    "I am in St. Peter's [...] a crowd of barbarians ran inside the basilica killing everyone he met”

    [...] “All the priests present there in with cassock robe, at the sides of the churchyard the bishops were at the left and the Cardinals at the right and praying on their knees with their face to the ground" (op. Cit., P. 210).

    March 11, 1970

    "What a bad night I had. A dream kept me apprehensive all night. The Pope surrounded by cardinals and bishops who were shouting at him revolutionary words”

    [...] “The Pope is being taken and thrown into a well"(op. Cit., P. 217).

    That of 21 September 1988 is the most interesting:

    "What I dreamed I wish never come true, it is too painful and I hope that the Lord will not allow the Pope to deny any truth of faith and put himself in place of God. How much pain I felt during the night, my legs were getting paralyzed and I could not move, for the pain I felt in looking at the Church reduced to a pile of ruins "(op. cit., p. 218).

    On January 4, 1992:

    "Christians are fighting one another because they no longer have a leader to guide them" (op. Cit., P. 219).

    On January 26, 1996:

    "Last night I saw the basilica of St. Peter set on fire" (op. Cit., P. 220).

    On 31 December 1990 Our Lady tells the seer Cornacchiola:

    "False prophets, who seek by all means to poison the souls changing the doctrine of Jesus in satanic doctrines; They will take away the Sacrifice of the cross that is repeated on the altars all over the world" (op. cit., p. 221).
    On 12 March 1983, Our Lady of Revelation tells Cornacchiola:

    "The danger is at the door, a nuclear war, if you act as I have said, it is inevitable"

    [...] “I speak to all, the atomic is ready, men without conscience threaten to use it, and the danger is closer than you think" (op. Cit., P. 223).
    On 13 July 1998:

    "Last night I suffered greatly in a dream. There was the war and foreigners invaded Italy "(op. Cit., P. 226).

    The writer Saverio Gaeta concludes:

    "I know that these pages will trigger protests and controversy, accusations of sensationalism and suggestions of 'pre-Vatican II'. But if the inspiration to Cornacchiola really came from Heaven, as I personally believe, it is certainly appropriate to make them known to the general public, taking them away from the darkness of some dusty archive of the Holy See"(op. Cit., P. 229).

Outside the Apostolic Roman Church there is no salvation- Our Lady at Tre Fontane, Rome

Monday, August 21, 2017

Endtimes: The secret of the 3 Fountains

Endtimes: The secret of the 3 Fountains
Interesting information from a virtually unknown source.  No definitive statements have come on these revelations although anyone "awake" at this point can see how they fit

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April 12 – Anniversary of Tre Fontane Apparitions
ROME, on the above date, was a sunny Saturday after Easter. Bruno Cornacchiola, a railway worker, decided to take advantage of the beautiful spring day by taking his three children—– Isola, aged ten, Carlo, aged seven, and Gianfranco, aged four—– on a picnic. It was a day he will never forget as it changed the whole course of his life. Early that afternoon he providentially missed a train going to Ostia and so decided to go to Tre Fontane instead. It is a location just outside of Rome noted for the shrine where St. Paul suffered Martyrdom and a parklike area with eucalyptus trees. It was also, alas, notorious as a place of sin in which even the bodies of dead preborn babies were found. There, in the shade of the eucalyptus, while his children played, Bruno pored over his Bible. He was preparing a speech which he intended to deliver in a public square the following day. It was a vicious attack on the Church’s teaching on the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
Although Bruno had been Baptized a Catholic and received his First Holy Communion, he wasn’t a practicing Catholic. His parents weren’t very religious and his early environment in an ill-famed district of Rome certainly didn’t foster his Faith. A few months after he was married, he deserted his wife and volunteered to fight in the Spanish Civil War. It was there that he left the practice of the Catholic faith and embraced Protestantism, eventually becoming a militant Seventh Day Adventist. He returned to Rome and his wife, who remained a practicing Catholic, in 1939. In his uncontrollable anger, he often beat her up. He wouldn’t allow her to bring the older children to church and refused to have the youngest son Baptized.
Besides being a wife-beater, Bruno Cornacchiola was not a very good Christian. His language was punctuated frequently with obscenities, blasphemy and he had affairs with other women. The very morning of the picnic he passed a statue of Our Lady which had on the base of the statue, “Virgin Mother.” Bruno wrote in pencil, “You are neither virgin nor mother.” In his great hatred of the Church, he had even devised a plot to assassinate Pope Pius XII on September 8, 1947, the feast of the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the late afternoon of the 12th, in the middle of his preparation for his attack on Mary’s great prerogative, one of his children interrupted him. Would he help them find their ball? Bruno put aside his Scripture text and the notes he had taken and joined in the search. While searching for the ball, Bruno found his youngest son, Gianfranco, kneeling at the entrance to a dark cave. The boy’s hands were folded in the attitude of one engrossed in prayer, as though in ecstasy. With a happy countenance and his eyes fixed on a certain point of the cave, the child repeated, “Beautiful lady! Beautiful lady!” as though he were addressing a living person.
Bruno was surprised, then uneasy, and finally terror seized him. He could see nothing in the interior of the cave. What was he to make of his son’s strange behavior? Excitedly he turned to Isola and Carlo for an explanation. But the children’s curiosity and fear for their younger brother were brief. Within seconds they also—–first Isola and then Carlo—–fell to their knees and joined their hands in prayer, enraptured with the same vision. Bruno was dumbfounded. Then he heard all three of his children cry out together: “Beautiful lady!” He tried to move each child, but they were as if glued to the ground. He was terrified.
Suddenly, Bruno was also overcome by the strange mystical experience. His eyes were filled with intense light for a moment, then everything in front of him disappeared his children and the cave. He felt himself becoming weightless, ethereal, as if his spirit had been freed of his body. When he regained his sight, after momentary blindness, Bruno saw in the most illuminated part of the cave a woman of indescribable celestial beauty. Her head was adorned by a halo of brilliant golden light. The lady had black hair, and was clothed in a radiant white dress, gathered together by a rose-colored sash whose edges fell gracefully at her side; over her shoulders she wore a striking green mantle. The three colors of the dress (white), sash (rose-colored) and mantel (green) have special significance to Bruno. He explains that they signify Mary’s relationship to the Three Divine Persons and the three apparitions of Lourdes, Fatima and Rome. In fact, Our Lady identified herself as, “Daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and Spouse and Temple of the Holy Spirit.” At her bare feet lay a black cloth which had a smashed crucifix on it.
Her face had an expression of motherly kindness, although clouded by sadness at times. In her right hand she held, resting on her breast, a small gray book. Her hands were crossed at her breast, but she unfolded them once to point to the broken pieces of the crucifix. She then joined them together again. In a noteworthy departure from other modern apparitions, Mary appeared not only to a non-practicing Catholic but to a zealous enemy of the Church and of herself personally. What message did she have for the wayward Bruno Cornacchiola and our times? We know only part of it; the remainder was to be delivered to Pope Pius XII, who later was to bless the statue of the Virgin that stands in the grotto where she appeared.
When the Blessed Virgin identified herself to Bruno Cornacchiola, she did so with two profound truths. The first was of a general nature: “I am the one that is of the Divine Trinity.” Because of her relationship to each person in the Blessed Trinity—–daughter of the Eternal Father, spouse of the Holy Spirit and mother of the Divine Son—–she is altogether unique among all of God’s creation. In the second identification she chose to reveal herself in relation to Bruno’s activity of Bible reading: “I am the Virgin of the Revelation.”
By this second title she corrects the error of those who would deny her privileges as unfounded, unnecessary inventions of the Catholic Church, not found in Divine Revelation in the Bible. She was admonishing a return to God and a more literal living of the holy Gospel: “Return to the pure source of the Gospel.”
Then the Virgin of the Revelation addressed herself directly to Bruno, “You persecute me—–enough of it now! Enter into the true fold, God’s Kingdom on earth. The Nine First Fridays of the Sacred Heart have saved you. You must be like the flowers which Isola picked, they make no protest, they are silent and do not rebel.  . . . With this dirt of sin, I shall perform powerful miracles for the conversion of unbelievers.”
She revealed to Bruno the sad condition of his soul, at the once all his pat arguments and prejudices against the Church fell apart and he saw before him the way to salvation—–the Roman Catholic Church.
At that point, the Virgin of the Revelation taught him the sure means of salvation, for him and for and all mankind, which is prayer, and in particular the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary. “Pray much and recite the Rosary for the conversion of sinners, of unbelievers and of all Christians.” As a reward to those souls who would listen to her message of prayer for the salvation of mankind, the Virgin promised great favors from Heaven. “In this place of sin I shall perform wonderful miracles for the conversion of unbelievers.”
In Bruno Cornacchiola, the Blessed Virgin recognized that we all have our moments of doubt and discouragement, and should turn to her for help. The Virgin of the Revelation also favored her prodigal son with foreknowledge of a portion of the future dogma of the Assumption, proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in 1950. She revealed: “My body could not be allowed to decay. My Son came for me with His Angels . . .”
True to Mary’s promise, the dirt from the Grotto of Tre Fontane, which formally saw great immorality, has proven to be miraculous. Like the miraculous waters at Lourdes, it continues to work wonders for the welfare of both bodies and souls. There have been so many bodily cures and conversions that no one disputes that these graces have been received through the intercession of the Virgin of the Revelation.
In order to test him and to assure him of the Divine reality of all he experienced, she gave him a sign.
“Every time you meet a priest in church or in the street, you are to approach him and address him with these words, ‘Father I must talk to you.’ If he answers, ‘Ave Maria! My son, what do you want?’ beg him to stop because he is the chosen one. He will direct you to another priest by saying, ‘He is the one for you.'” It was quite a test that Our Lady put him through. He had to ask the question, countless times it seemed, to every priest he met and not get the proper response and walk away sadly aware of being thought of as rude or even out of his mind. It upset him so much that he was on the point of despair and even thought of committing suicide.
Then he prayed as he had never prayed before. Didn’t Our Lady ask him to pray and suffer for the conversion of sinners, of unbelievers and for unity of all Christians? He persevered and it eventually happened exactly as Our Lady predicted. However, as the word of the apparition got around he had much to suffer from former friends and associates who accused him of being a fanatic, crazy, etc. Others saw him as an exploiter of a situation that brought much attention to him. He was examined by the police and given, along with his children, psychiatric examinations. If he at times became depressed, he now turned to his spiritual guide, Our Lady of Good Counsel.
As if to refocus attention on the shrine and her message to Bruno, on April 12, 1980, the 33rd anniversary of the Virgin’s visit, a most astounding public miracle occurred at Tre Fontane in the presence of 3,000 people (including some 25 priests), who had gathered to hear Bruno Cornacchiola recall the first apparition and to attend a commemorative Mass. During the Holy Sacrifice strange images appeared in the sky above the Grotto. The sun seemed to turn backwards in the heavens and began to draw near the earth. It could be seen with without straining the eyes. It appeared bigger than normal, and showed within its corona brilliant and diverse colors, in much the same way as the sun “danced” in the sky over Fatima, Portugal in 1917.
In rapid movements, as an incandescent magma, forming diverse figurations, the sun appeared as: a cross; an “M”; a heart surrounded with stars, or dripping with blood; the monogram of Christ “IHS”; hands joined in prayer; the Holy Family; etc. Some also claim to have seen the solar crown separate in three circles, then come back together again. In spite of the numerous trees, which should have impeded vision, the sun stood out clearly and brightened the chapel, faces, and the clothing of the people.
The phenomenon lasted about a half an hour. Meanwhile, the Mass that had been in progress was halted so that the people could calm down and return their attention to the eternal Son present on the altar. When the Mass continued it was amid the visible emotions of the congregation. Many lapsed Catholics who had not gone to Confession for years returned to the Faith. There were also many physical cures. A medical center was set up and after extensive research confirmed that the cures were miraculous and beyond any medical or scientific explanation. Two years later the same miracle of the sun was repeated, again on the anniversary date, April 12, 1982. Again the people could look directly at the sun without hurting their eyes. An interesting difference between the two miracles of the sun is that in the first one in 1980 it was lay people who gave testimonies, whereas in 1982 miracle the testimonies were given by the clergy.
Incidentally, Our Lady had a fourfold message for priests: they were to have a deeper faith in the revealed truths of the Faith, greater obedience to the Teaching Authority of the Church, a vigilant prudence in dealing with people, and a pure and dignified life style.
Bruno is now in his eighties and occasionally gives talks on Our Lady of Revelation, to whom he owes so much. Our Lady said that he would be another St. Paul, who also persecuted the Church, but ended up not only a Christian but a member of the apostles who went into the whole world to spread the Good News. From the very beginning of his conversion Bruno was intent in passing on the truths of the Faith which he formally so poorly understood. Under the inspiration and direction of Our Lady Herself he founded the catechetical organization called SACRl at Tre Fontane in April, 1948.
Even as Bruno was involved in promoting the errors of the Seventh Day Adventist Church as its President of the Missionary Youth Association, so for the last fifty years he has devoted his life to promoting the truth and catechizing the fallen-away Catholics, non-Catholics and Catholic youth, so that they be armed with the truth and not easily taken in by the errors found in the many cults of our day.
From the early months of his conversion, he was associated with an existing congregation of Sisters who were already in Tre Fontane catechizing the local people. In one of the apparitions, Our Lady told him, “Go to my beloved daughters, the Teachers Filippini, and tell them that their mission is to be one of intense prayer for the conversion of nonbelievers and sinners.” From the start, one of his close collaborators was a Sister Raffaella Somma, whom Our Lady of Revelation gave some predictions concerning the apparitions, her personal life, and even her death within a year—–all of which were fulfilled.
Gradually over the years, the apparitions became well established. An attractive, simple shrine was built staffed by the Conventual Franciscans. Pope Pius XII blessed the statue of Our Lady of the Revelation in St. Peter’s Square. Due to the many miracles—–physical ones and conversions as well as the miracle of the sun—–the number of people who pray at the Grotto and make pilgrimages there steadily increases.
Pope John Paul II blessed three statues of Our Lady of the Revelation for Italy, Australia and the United States, according to Fr. Edward Kelty, a resident of Rome. Of these shrines, Our Lady said: “Wherever a Sanctuary of the Virgin of Revelation is erected, it will be for all an oasis of conversion during the purgation of the Church.”

The only plan of salvation God is interested in and which is approved by the Catholic Church is the exclusivist one

Comments on the blog The Epoymous Flower 

Meeting of Conservative Catholics in Rome Addresses Concern About Church’s Course

The only plan of salvation God is interested in is that which was announced and accomplished by Jesus Christ, not ecclesiastical dogmatists...
Yes as understood by the Apostles, the Church Fathers, the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century, Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994).-Lionel Andrades

Roberto dei Mattei is politically correct like the two popes and in heresy

Like the liberals Roberto dei Mattei uses an irrational premise to interpret the baptism of desire etc to make Vatican Council II a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the  Syllabus of Errors.Even after being informed he and Chris Ferrara( like the late Fr. Nicholas Gruner and John Vennari) will not affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So he is politically correct like the two popes.
This is heresy.
He writes about the heresy of Pope Francis without addressing his own heresy and that of the other traditionalists.
May be he does not want to affirm EENS like the Magisterium of the 16th century since he is a Catholic media magnate and wants to protect his interests but then even the two popes could say the same. They could be following instructions from the Masons to protect their life and the Vatican.-Lionel Andrades

APRIL 11, 2018

Roberto dei Mattei still cannot state that Lumen Gentium does not contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Neither will he affirm the dogma EENS according to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.

Repost : So the fault does not lie with Vatican Council II but with the traditionalist interpretation of the Council by using Cushingite instead of Feeneyite theology

FEBRUARY 5, 2018

So the fault does not lie with Vatican Council II but with the traditionalist interpretation of the Council by using Cushingite instead of Feeneyite theology

Vatican Council II is Cushingite.We have to live with this.The Council Fathers, including Pope Benedict made a mistake.There is no known salvation outside the Church.They wrongly inferred that there was.Then upon this false inference they created a new theology. Outside the Church there is salvation.It was a frontal attack on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This was an aim, or the aim, of the liberals, Masons and Americanists.
So Vatican Council II is now given to us with a false theology which cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre unknowingly accepted this and so the opposition to the liberals was neutralized.Even now after 50 years later the SSPX bishops, priests and laity are not discussing this issue.
They interpret Vatican Council II and Catholic traditional salvation based on irrational Cushingism.Even traditionalist bloggers Louie VerrecchioDavid Domet,Hilary White and Ann Barnhardt are doing the same.May be they do not want to admit that a mistake was made by Archbishop Lefebvre.
For quite a few years I have been saying that invisible for us baptism of desire cannot be a visible exception to the dogma EENS.So the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) never were exceptions to the dogma EENS.
Image result for Photo of Ann Barnhardt I will not submit
Even though I have repeated this so many times, Ann Barnhardt does not discuss this point and recently produced an article on baptism of desire and St.Emerentiana.
Even if St. Emerentiana was saved with the baptism of desire(BOD) and without the baptism of water how can she be an objective exception to EENS in 2018 ?
No answer from Ann.
How can a BOD, BOB and I.I case, now saved in Heaven also be visible on earth?
No answer from her.
How saw St. Emerentiana in Heaven without the baptism of water?
No one knows.
How can a possibility in the past be relevant to EENS in the present?
No answer.
Her premise is false and so her conclusion is also false.It is non traditional and heretical.
Image result for Photo of Chris  Ferrara traditionalist old massImage result for Photo of Roberto dei Mattei
It is difficult also for Chris Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei to admit this.Soon there will be another of their traditionalist conference and they will ignore this issue.

Image result for Photo of Chris  Ferrara traditionalist old massImage result for Photo of Roberto dei Mattei

Roberto dei Mattei,Nicholas GrunerChristopher Ferrara and Atila Sinke Guimares wrote their books on Vatican Council II without knowing about Feeneyism and Cushingism as a theology and philosophy.
Why with Feeneyism( according to Lionel Andrades and not the SBC) Vatican Council II is in harmony with the old ecclesiology of the Church? Was not Bugnini or someone else responsible for the rupture with Tradition?
Why with Feeneyism ( according to L.A) we can affirm Vatican Council II (Feeneyite), attend Holy Mass in English and there is continuity with the Syllabus of Errors and Tradition?
Why? Since I am not using Cushingism as a theology like every body else.

The traditionalists do not want to affirm EENS and Vatican Council II with Feeneyite theology since they are as insecure and worldly prudent as those who attend Holy Mass in the vernacular.
Christopher Ferrara no more talks about mission and exclusive salvation.How can he say in public that Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) supports the old exclusivist ecclesiology ?
Bishop Fellay does not proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.How can he support Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) and EENS Feeneyite ? EENS (Feeenyite) was the basis in the past for proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King.
He could support the Catholic political parties which affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King, in Italy for example.He can show the Left that there is no separation of Church and State.
These traditionalists do not want to proclaim Faith and they only know Vatican Council II(Cushngite) like the liberals and Masons, since it is safe and prudent for them to do so.
So the fault does not lie with Vatican Council II but the traditionalist interpretation of it with Cushingite theology.
When the word salvation is mentioned in Vatican Council II, for the Cushingites, it refers to a known case.For the Feeneyites, it refers to only a hypothetical case. It is speculation with good will for the Feeneyite. If it is a probability in a particular case, it would only be known to God.Probabilities are meaningless with reference to EENS. Since a probability cannot be an objective exception.

So the Cushingites read hypothetical cases as being non hypothetical.They are objective.The Feeneyites read hypothetical cases as being just hypothetical and invisible in the present times.
Even though Vatican Council II is Cushingite it can be interpreted with Feeneyite theology and the conclusion is traditional.We can undo the bad work of the Council Fathers.-Lionel Andrades
